
Southern Plows goal is to catalog horse/mule/oxen farming terminology on the national, state and regional level primarily for the equipment and how it is and was used. We welcome all input including photographs, descriptions and stories from those that have and still do use this equipment or that just remember how Grand Pa did.

Southern Plows is being developed as a resource as there has been little documentation (books, articles, etc.) on Southern Horse/ Mule /Oxen (HMO) Farming or Subsistence living. Terminology for equipment varies widely and can make for interesting conversations when two people from different regions talk about (HMO) equipment. Along the way we hope that this site is an aid to those wishing to take up (HMO) Farming and that the terminology and stories recorded will be of assistance and at the very least a tip of the hat to those that came before us and built and maintained a country with Horse, Mules and Oxen power and determination.